Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Leaving Miami for Costa Rica

We just finished up training here in Miami. It went really well, probably as good as I could have thought it would go. The 35 others with me are some awesome people and I am looking forward to getting to know them better. Tomorrow morning we fly to Costa Rica where we'll have a 4 day retreat in the mountains near San Jose. On Saturday, we will all branch out to different communities anywhere from a 25 minute bus ride to San Jose to an hour and a half bus ride. Half of us are in the business program and the other half are in a youth and family program. Those of us in business will be in towns farther away from San Jose. From Saturday until September 14, 2007 I will be living with a host family. This will be training and there will be 3-4 others in the same town training with me. If everything goes well, I will officially become a Peace Corps volunteer on September 14. Until then I am just a trainee. After swearing in, I will move again to my final community where I'll live for two years!

Sample Day's Schedule during my 3 months of training:
A typical day in the community consists of waking up early, having breakfast of gallo pinto (rice and beans) and coffee with your family. Trainees then go to a language session from about 8-noon, usually in the community hall or church, then go home for lunch with their families. At 1:00, trainees will carry out integrated activities in the community related to the weekly theme. For example, in the week on education, trainees interview a teacher in the community. Trainees will use a guide to ask questions and then will discuss their findings with the facilitator. In late afternoon, trainees may participate in an activity with a local community group. Otherwise, this will be time to interact with family members, study and take care of other personal matters.

I am happy I got to check email and blog here in Miami, but I'm told we will have limited access to this in Costa Rica. I am very worried that if I personally can't write emails or blogs, people might not keep as much in touch than if I make an effort. That being said, I am so appreciative of all the support and prayers people have been giving. Everyone has been such a huge encouragement to me, and I think that's why orientation went so well--I know how much everyone supports me and is letting me know they care. You guys are awesome!

I don't think I'll get to write again for a while. For now, I'm going to focus on training and being safe in Costa Rica. My days are so jammed pack that finding time for my most important relationship, the one with our Creator, may be difficult. Don't be afraid to ask me the hard questions about how my faith is going and things like that. Most of all, just pray for me!

Thank you so much and I miss you already! But, so far I'm more excited than scared and I'm trying to enjoy this good time. :-)


KaraLeighP said...

I'm so glad to hear that everything went well in Miami. I'll be praying for your adjustment to Costa Rica. You're going to have a blast! I'll be in touch.


RunningForThoseWhoCant said...

"integrated activities"?? Sounds scandalous to me!

Also, when does Nick Norton actually get up "early" your too lazy for that!!

Also,I miss you

Also, i like the word "also".

Here's some quotes to keep you in a fun state of mind the next month or two:

Fun Quote-
Jim: "If you've never been sick then you don't have any antibodies."
Dwight: "I don't need them. Superior Genes..."

Serious Quote-
But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:39

I love you buddy! Stigge and I already feel incomplete without you up here to keep us in check and to provide the necessary debauchery that you so elegantly provide!

On a very last note I leave you with this random thought:
"his name is Jesus H Christ!"

Courtney Pennell said...

I am so glad to hear that you made it safely to your first destination!!! It already sounds amazing! You are in my thoughts and prayers....good luck with training.

K.J. Hascall said...

Nick! Right now you are chillin' in the no doubt amazingness that is Costa Rica! What you're doing is probably beginning to sink in. I hope there are others in your group who share your faith and with whom you can worship the Lord.

I know you'll busy and won't have tons of time to write letters, but since you probably won't be able to check this often, I'll give you my addresses now:

Home (until school starts):
Kelley Hascall
5827 E. Hinsdale Place
Centennial, CO 80112 USA

Kelley Hascall
Alpha Xi Delta
1619 R Street
Lincoln, NE 68508 USA

(I won't be living there this year, but I can still receive mail there; that and I don't know my new address yet.)

My email is: kjhascall@gmail.com
Could you send me your address either that way or by mailing a letter?

Here's a joke for you:
So an Englishman, a Scot and an Irishman stole a grand piano. As they're schlepping it down the road, the Englishman hears sirens and realizes the police are onto them.

"Quick! Heave the piano into the hedge!" he yells. "We'll hide in that barn over there!"

The three men run into the barn and find three bags, big, medium and small sized. The Englishman says, "Right-o, I'll take the big one," and the Scot then jumps in the medium one, leaving the small one for the Irishman.

Shortly thereafter, the cops burst into the barn and begin to search it. Coming upon the bags, the captain instructs another cop to kick the bags.

The man kicks the big bag and the Englishman says "Mooo." Thinking a cow is inside, the cop moves on.

Next the cop kicks the medium sized bag. The Scot says "Baaa." Thinkig a sheep is inside, the man again moves on.

Finally he comes to the small bag. He kicks it and the Irishman squeals "Potatoes!"


Best of luck!!! I'm praying for you and I know you're going to have the time of your life. Keep your eyes on Him, and nothing will be impossible for you.
