I dont know how these pictures are going to show up...to the right of my typing, to the left, above, below...so I will attempt to describe them. The one with all the people--on the left is my host mom, Carmen. Her grandson who I play with a lot is named Josue and is in the middle, in the green shirt. The others are family friends!
The other picture with me in it has my host moms grandson, Jorge Andres. He is 12 and that day we went on a hike with our friend Grettel. She took us all around and it was really cool. Hopefully later Ill upload more pictures.
The other two nature pictures are of my two visits a few weeks ago to see two volunteers. So I dont live at either of these two places, but I liked the pictures.
Three weeks from this Friday and Ill find out my site placement, where Ill be living for 2 years! So im excited about that--to find out if ill be near the beach, the mountains, a volcano, near nicaragua or panama, and finding out if ill be in a community of 300 people or a couple thousand.
My health is a lot better and im feeling great, as far as health goes. Its a little crazy that im used to getting up before 6am and going to sleep around 8 or 8:30. I get three COOKED meals a day...crazy! Who would have thunk people cook three times a day. No fast food! But i like it. I feel healthy and good.
Quick note--if you send a package (hint?) send it through regular U.s. postal mail, not through FedEx or whatnot. Some people here have received some packages and they come through customs fine (no payments or holds) through regular U.S. postal mail!
Today I started my coaching activity. This is to identify a local entrepreneur-micro enterprise owner and meet with them once a week to learn about their work, prices, distributors, and everything. Today was really fun and I learned much! Also today we had another visit with the local principal of the elementary school. Discipline here is way different--ill have to write about it sometime. i sat in on a math class and observed and it was really interesting. The idea was to sit in on a class because probably when i get to my site ill be teaching a couple english classes. yikes.
My spanish is improving!
Alright this session has to be short, as it seems it usually does. I hope everyone is doing well! We will talk soon.
Nick! I really enjoy reading your blog. You are a wonderful writer! Sounds like you are happy and healthy--at least you are eating well. Do you have any idea how long it takes for mail to get there?
In Lincoln it feels like the calm before the storm. School starts soon and it'll be Crrraaazy. Miss you!
It's sad when you post more than I email. So, I promise to get on top of that. But no doubts you are in my prayers every day. I am so glad to hear you are so well...adjusting to the time and schedule, and also feeling more healthy. Just keep living every day for the Lord, allowing Him to show you wonderful new things. I love you!
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