Monday, September 10, 2007

The Big Move, again

When I left the states on June 25 I was fairly mentally and spiritually and emotionally prepared to come here. I had been thinking and talking with people for over a year about it, so when the time finally came, I was ready. What made me realize how anxious I was when something came up at the last minute where I thought I might not be able to come, so in that moment I realized how sad I would have been if I couldn´t have come.

This is all to say that I was not prepared for this move after these three months of training. I knew it was coming but hadn´t given it that much thought—I didn´t think that moving within Costa Rica would be that big of a change, but it is. My mind has been scrambling lately and I am really nervous for this move. I am trying to enjoy my last few days here in Vuelta de Jorco with my family, other Peace Corps trainees, and friends I´ve met here.

Saturday was a much needed day of rest for me. The past few weeks we have been running around all over doing visits and finishing up training, so this weekend was nice. I had been waiting to write about the girl I met here because it was so new (I suppose it still is) and I didn´t know if it´d be working out or what not. Anyways, we talked and we are going to stay together and try and make it work out when I move away. More then anything, she is a much needed friend here to talk to and she has become one of my best friends here in Costa Rica. Her birthday was Friday and we went to see a play (comedy)—I understood most of it, I think. Anyways, I feel like Paola (not with a “u” but with an “o”) was an answer to prayers because in my previous blogs I had been writing about a lack of connection here with people and I´d really been feeling it. There are four other trainees I will miss a ton too, people that I really connected with. Also I will miss my host mom and her family tons.

Tests have been numerous here. I knew that things will sometimes be hard, but I could never have imagined the specifics, because everything is so new to me here. It has been interesting finding these out and going through these ups and downs.

Wednesday is my last day of Spanish class. Thursday we will all be in the Peace Corps office in San Jose finishing up training and last minute interviews with all our bosses. Friday, my host mom and her grandson and I will head to the U.S. Embassy where the 35 of us (we hope) will swear in as volunteers. Saturday and Sunday will be spent travelling and getting adjusted to San Jose de Upala!

This last week has been hectic and until I get settled in, things will be a little hectic. I will be sure to keep you posted on what´s going on and I am loving every minute of hearing everything going on in friends and families lives! Thanks for keeping me posted.

1 comment:

K.J. Hascall said...

This hymn has been very close to my heart lately. I hope it, in some way, can speak to you, too.
"Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
4th verse

Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
I made you a CD tonight. I shall be sending a letter shortly.

Hang in there buddy! I'm praying for you every day!!!