Tomorrow I leave for a week long trip. The first two days we are at a retreat center (I think) with our counterparts. If I understand correctly our counterpart is the person who helps get us started at our site, although volunteers usually branch off and work with other people and other groups during their service. So I will (hopefully) be meeting my counterpart, who is a teacher at the local high school in San Jose de Upala. On Friday, I will travel with him and all the other trainees will travel with their counterparts to their respect future sites for a five day visit.
I will meet the family and get to know the area, among other things. I am 15 KM west of the town of Upala, and in Upala there will be another Peace Corps volunteer. Today we talked and we are going to try and share a P.O. box in Upala where we can receive our mail.
Right now and during my service here, you can still send mail to the current address in San Jose (the capitol city). However, this means the mail goes to the Peace Corps office. As I mentioned in my previous post, the office is about 10 hours, or a day long trip, from my future site, so I will not be traveling there very often at all. It will be best to send mail to my new address, which I will hopefully have in a couple weeks.
This is all to say that this weekend I will try and open up a P.O. box in Upala where I will hopefully go once a week or so to get mail and maybe use the internet. So for now, it may be best to hold off on letters or packages until I get you that new address, because I will only be living at my current address for about two more weeks, and then I move up by Nicaragua.
Monday my first time ever teaching English went really well. We did some fun activities. I ended up getting thrown into a class of 25-30 seventh graders. Things went really well and I got a good evaluation, so that helped with my confidence a lot.
After I get back from my site visit next Wednesday, we have less than a week and a half before we swear in (cross our fingers) as official Peace Corps volunteers. The next day we move! As all these crazy changes are occurring, I appreciate so much your prayers. I think it will be like starting all over again here in Costa Rica, about how I felt in late June/early July with everything being new and scary.
I hope all is well there with you and you are in my thoughts.
Glad to hear you're still doing well. I know that your move will go just fine. I'm not surprised that your teaching went well...never thought anything less would happen. I will be praying for your last few weeks and for an uneventful move. Just keep going with the flow, letting God move you to do His work. I love you!
P.S. I will keep writing letters and just keep them until you post your new address. So get it up soon!
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